Saturday, April 16, 2011

Run for Japan

Distance: 10K
Time: 1 hour 6 minutes (including 6 minutes of being treated for cramps)
Date: April 17, 2011
Pace: 6:35 minutes per kilometer

Running this one was a last minute decision but it always seem cool when Greentennial holds their run with the throngs of photographers and innovative gimmicks.  I promised myself to run easy for the duration of course but I guess there's something about races that brings out the best in me so still went at it and was able to maintain a stable pace during the race.

Everything seemed well until I hit the 9.5K mark as I moved towards the hydration truck, something was amiss and ouch, it was a mild case of cramps in my left calf muscle and I ended up seated in the sidelines assisted by photographers and medics just to relax the muscle and as it stabilized a bit, I asked the medic if it was ok if I can walk towards the finish line so I won't be DNF and I got the clearance and just walk of the last 500K.  A near sub60 thwarted by cramps but I guess having the courage to finish despite the odds is prize as sweet as a sub60 time.  It's also a first that I had cramps on an actual run.  Thanks to Greentennial Photographers and Medics for lending the hand when I had cramps.  It was a well organized run for a good cause and well attended.

Running is reflective of life's challenges, things go wrong, sometimes you have to stop, sometimes you have to slow down, sometimes you fall but you'll always have to finish and finishing strong is very ideal. =>

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