Sunday, April 22, 2012

Boracay Skyathon 2012

Distance: 10K
Time: 1 hour and 8 minutes
Date: April 21, 2012
Pace: 6:48 minutes per kilometer
Boracay Skyathon 2012 
I've always wondered how it would feel to run in the fine white sands of the beach.  Since Boracay was too much of a party place, I never had enough energy or initiative to wake up early and run by the beach.  For all what the island has to offer, I was able to do island hopping, snorkling, All Terrain Vehicle ride, banana boat ride and even thrown off a cliff via a Zorb ball but never a run.  So this was what Boracay Skyathon meant to me, a chance to tick off one of my to do list in Boracay.  I was lucky enough to be assigned by Total Fitness magazine to attend and take part of the Sky Cable sponsored beach run.  Skyathon was a vacation and a run rolled into and it was held in one of the best places to be in summertime, Boracay.  This is gonna be another legend-wait for it-dary run adventure.
Sky Cable
Sky Cable had us pampered the whole event from our pre-flight reminders for our SEAIR flight, to our hotel accommodation at the TIDES, meals and of course, our race kits.  My flight was a day before the run together with other sponsors, partners and some celebrities.  We were welcomed with a generous loot bag from event sponsors.  There was a pre-event Sounds of Sundown cocktail which also offered free henna tattoo, massage and claiming of race kits.  Until this point, I was torn on whether to go barefoot or run with shoes but eventually decided on wearing shoes upon seeing that there are some rocky areas in station 1.
Race Route

While the race route was simple which had runners starting at the beachfront in Epic near D'Mall and the runners running 1 and a half kilometer near the tip of station 1 for the first u-turn slot.  The runners would then run back to the start area for the 3K mark and go for another 1 kilometer towards station 3 for the 4K mark and the second u-turn and then the course heads back to start area where 5K runners can proceed to the finish line, the 10K runners will do another loop and the relay participants will switch runners for the second loop.  The elevation of the course is the tricky part as you can go on different elevations in the course depending if you're running in the shoreline which is lower or in the beach area which is higher.   Running on uneven terrains and elevation is also what makes this run challenging.  Then there's the fine white sands makes it harder to accelerate as the stronger you push on the ground, the deeper your feet gets into the sands.
The Run
There was a pre-race briefing conducted by the finish line, the organizer for the run wherein the race course was discussed.  Since there were just around 300 runners, all categories had the same gun start at 6 AM.  This was more of a race to train pace for me since I'm just starting my buildup for next month's duathlon but of course, I do want a decent finish.
Km 1-3
At gun start, I tried going for a strong start but the uneven terrain was punishing on the legs but was able to start at below 6 minutes per kilometer pace before switching strategies to take it at a steady and consistent pace of around 6:30-6:40 minutes per kilometer pace.  You do exert more effort in navigating the fine white sands as each stride you need to add more power as you get stuck at some points in the white sands.  The good part about this area is that the shoreline is bigger which gives you more space on more solid grounds.
Km 4-5
I'm calling this area as the killer 'sands' as the shoreline is a bit shorter and you have to take a significant portion of the run on the soft and fine white sands.  The stronger you push, the deeper your feet gets into the sands.  I struggled at over 7 minutes per kilometer on this part as there were some stretches that it would be faster to walk than to get buried running just like how a quick sands eats you faster when you keep moving.  This is the part that you wished that you were just went barefoot instead.
Km 6-8
2nd loop and I really wanted to catch up on this part as I knew that I need to save time here since it won't be fast once I get back at the killer sands.  Back to my sub-7 minute pace and having my second wind, I felt refreshed just seeing the beach in your background and passing by the scenic Willie's Rock before the U-turn.   After a struggle in the killer sands are, this felt like a breeze.
Kilometer 9-10
Now back to the killer sands and at this point most of the runners have opted to remove their shoes and just go barefoot but I just went on wearing shoes even at times I have to run on water as at this time even the shoreline was getting thinner and sands in the shoreline a lot softer.  I went back at a slower pace above seven minute per kilometer pace but managed to build some steam to finish strong in the last 500 meters.  40th in the 10K Men Category and 45th overall in the 10K category.
Finishing with a Rainbow

As an additional incentives, I get to finish with a rainbow at the finish line.  One of the perks of a beach run.  That says why it's more fun to run in the beach.  If a rainbow does not seem enough for you, the loot bag is probably one of the most generous loot bag Ive ever seen with a finisher shirt and slippers from boardwalk and products from belo, salompas and other event sponsors.
As soon as I crossed the finished line, it meant that the vacation leg was on full swing.  Beach front massage, chill walk at the island, Jonah's milk shake, dip in the pool and in the blue waters, Merly's Barbeque and of course, sun set watching.  It's always a priceless portraits once the ocean, the Paraw sails and the swimmers meet the setting sun.  It's one of the things to look forward to in Boracay.
Gold Rush
And just to make sure Skyathon end's with a bang, there was an after party at the Juice bar called Gold Rush promoting Sky Cable Gold's packages.  It had fire dancers, drinks from the Bar and Emperador light and lots of games with great prices.  It was definitely a fun night even as the program proper was over people stayed on to party until the wee hours of the morning.  That definitely spells a successfull event with a capital S-U-C-C-E-S-S.
And then to say my thanks
It was great meeting new people and friends I met in this events.  Thanks to Sky Cable, event hosts and sponsors for pampering me the past three days.  It was a pleasure running the Skyathon.  Of course, I'm eternally grateful for Total Fitness magazine and Team Total Fitness for all the support.  I'm completely overwheled and jumping for joy.
And just in case you'd want to see more pics.  Here's a link to my FB page. (click here)
Team Total Fitness Running
This is my last race for season 1 and in a few days it's gonna be whole new season...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Outbreak Manila

Distance: 5K
Time: 1 hour and 4 minutes
Date: April 14, 2012
Pace: 12:48 minutes per kilometer

Outbreak Manila

Zombies has just entered Manila and their undead ways has somehow brought them to Nuvali and so was 5,000 other runners who'd attempt to get past a killer (I mean this literally) 5K distance.  Outbreak Manila just came at a time when runners where looking for new concepts and new challenge to overcome.  It was great that Outbreak Manila had Total Fitness as a media partner so I was able to join this run.  The concept was simple three lifelines and finish with at least one to stay alive but we all now Zombies won't make this an easy one.

Race Route

Part of the mystery that came with this run was the race route was never disclosed to leave a lot of room for surprises.  I did expected that the race course were on flat roads so it did came as a surprise that after a few hundred meters, we took a right turn to the trail part of Nuvali.  Dodging zombies on narrow trails has reduced the chance of survival.  The first two kilometers had the runners going through the trail with series of zombies to overcome and an obstacle where you have to crawl and go over some gartered room. At the second kilometer, you get to choose the easy way or the horde way which would then intersect at around the 3rd kilometer and goes on until midway to the last kilometer where you end up going through a maze.  The last 500 meters is the dash to the finish with Zombies lurking.

The Race

I was part of wave 3 which meant that we're among the first zombie baits in more than 20 wave of runners.  I went at it a fast past thinking that the course would be on road and figured out that I'll just try to out sprint zombies but at the 300 meter mark we headed towards the trail route with a dozen zombies in tow.  It then became a game of strategies.

Strength in Numbers

We started the trail with our wave working as a group wherein we'll try to confuse zombies by running in different directions.  It did feel good when you get past dozens of zombies with flags intact.  At the first kilometer we had to crawl under wires to get a new life.  After this was another stretch of about a dozen of zombies on narrow trails.  I ended up running on grassy part and had some scratches and it was also in this wave the I lost my two flags (taken by one zombie) since it was closely attached together.  Rules had it that a zombie can only take one flag though it would be funny though if a zombie would approach you to return your flag.  Goodbye two flags, 2 to go.

Parting Ways

At the second kilometer, you get to choose the easy or the horde way.  The easy way had more zombies but a shorter route and I ended up in a horde way which was a lot longer but with less zombies.  This is also the part I got separated from the lead pack and ended up with a smaller group of runners thus decreasing my chance of survival.  There was also a part wherein we had to pretend to be like zombies just to escape them.  I was able to preserve my flags until midway to the fourth kilometer.  It was a bit more difficult dodging zombies at this point since there were fewer runners to distract the zombies.  Ended up losing another flag at this point.  Goodbye flag, one to go.


The finish came on the fourth kilometer as I attempted to escape three successive zombies with not much runners in the pack.  Went to the left, zombie one down.  Fake to the right and then left zombie 2, down. Tried going to the extreme left for the last zombies but my last flag was gone.  At least, this was a way I would have wanted to go... going down with a gallant stand.  Infested at kilometer 4.


Losing my last flag had me relieved as you can just go past zombies without them approaching you.  Going through several scares had my heart rate bpm going through the roof.  Imagine my average heart rate is just 149 bpm but in some stretches my heart rate would go to a maximum of 194 bpm.  5K felt like forever and going through the trails felt like being in a zombie movie trying to survive an outbreak. I did went on to finish the race even without any lifeline remaining.

Team Total Fitness Survives

Surviving a zombie infestation is not an easy task as Moby and our fastest runner Rojan joined me in the list of casualties and only James was able to survive the outbreak.  Tough luck, the zombies had quick lateral movements and were still perked up and full of energy during our wave.  Next time, we'll be ready...

Need I say more...

Back to the trails

While there will still be several outbreaks to come, I ended up back to the trails as I had to take some photos as part of media (Total Fitness).  What started as just to shoot some pictures on the trail part ended in me having to go past the trails and zombie again but at this time the zombies were a lot friendlier and a bit tired.  At this time, the heat was already overwhelming as both zombies and runners had the heat to deal with.

I guess the answer to the question on how to survive a zombie outbreak is let the others tire the zombies first.  Running for your life has never been this fun.  What a great first Manila Outbreak.  Congratulations to the organizers!!! Heard they are planning a midnight one, any takers?

Photos taken in the trail and while distributing dermplus. (click here) Please do follow Team Total Fitness while you're viewing the pics.