Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yellow Ribbon Run

Distance: 6K
Time: 34:45 minutes
Date: September 18, 2011
Pace: 5:47 minutes per kilometer

This is my first run on foreign soil and really hope I would have done 10K but run out of slots for 10K but since the flight has been booked might as well make the most out of it by going for a 6K race in Singapore. The race starts at Loyang Ave near Changgi golf course and goes through several parks and attraction like the Johore Battery, Changi Chapel & Musuem and ends at Changi Prison Complex.

They had busses pick up runners from Expo MRT to starting point and there were a lot of runners. It was fun watching 10K runners try to catch the gun start. After some stretching then we had our own gunstart and I went at full speed ahead with a pace of 5:30 mpk since the starting area was a bit downhill and slowed down a bit on km 3 as I had pains in my calf muscles and the uphill portion but was able to recover on the downhill portion before maintaining a steady pace til finish line.

It was scorhing hot as the gunstart was 8:15 am compared to the usual 5-6 an gunstart at home. There was only one water station at the mid point of the run. The finish had as entering the prison compound and just like that 6K run was over in less than 35 minutes at a very fast pace. I got my goodie bag which had a medal and a rain gear for running.

After a run that took just 35 minutes, it took me more than an hour to figure my way out of prison. Target complete and let me go back to my regular longer training runs for next months 21K but a part of me is looking forward to more runs on foreign territory and I finished at the top 5% of the runners.